Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Field Day

Field Day is quickly approaching! Please read these important details regarding Field Day on May 20, 2016.

This year due to construction at Andy Brown Park, we will be walking learners to Kid Country playground and the outdoor pool at the CORE. All other activities and lunch will take place outside at TCE.  If you are a Trail Pass holder, your field day lunch fee was included and has been paid.  If you did not purchase a Trail Pass you need to go to REVTRAK and pay the $8.00 field day lunch fee: https://towncenterelempto.revtrak.net/tek9.asp

PTO will be needing some VOLUNTEERS for this Hawaiian Adventure. Click this the link for the signup genius to select times and places for volunteers. Any parent that wants to come to Field Day, to volunteer or to watch, will need to have a completed background check on file with TCE. If you would like to come to Field Day, we encourage you to sign up for a specific volunteer opportunity. 

Click this link for Field day permission slip and information.

**The YELLOW permission slip should have come home with your son/daughter by now. 

PLEASE RETURN SIGNED PERMISSION SLIPS by Wednesday May 18th. Lunch payment is also due by the 18th. 

All fourth graders will need to wear their ORANGE grade level t-shirt to Field Day. In addition, they will need to wear their bathing suits and comfortable walking shoes that can get wet. Girls will need to wear one piece bathing suits (or be prepared to keep their shirts on to swim). 

IMPORTANT: If your son/daughter does not know how to swim, please be sure that his/her teacher is aware. You may email or write a note on the yellow permission slip. In addition, please have a conversation with your son/daughter about the importance of safety at Field Day. 

As always, if you have any questions regarding field day, please email us and ask. We're happy to help!