Friday, September 16, 2016

September 12th-16th

We have had such a great week in 4th grade! We started using our iPads on Tuesday. We also celebrated Dot Day on Thursday and were able to Skype with other classrooms in Texas. Your child also came home with their tickets for the Fall Family Picnic Auction. So be looking in the binders for those!

In science this week, we took the data that was collected from the bubble investigation and transferred it into a bar graph. We also compared graphs with each other to see the different diameters of bubbles.

In math, we continued our unit on place value. We focused on decimals to the tenths and hundredths place. We also started our first must do/may do board for math. The kiddos worked on writing decimals in expanded notation and word form.

In language arts, we have started our Genre unit. We have started conversations on different fictional and nonfictional genres that help better understand texts. Learners defined, applied, and explored specific genres, such as realistic fiction, biography/autobiography, etc. Moreover, we talked about character traits and summaries. In social studies, we continued to explore different regions of Texas.