Friday, December 2, 2016

Week of November 28th

Week of November 28th

We hope everyone had a wonderful week!  We can't believe we are getting so close to the winter break.  Please make sure to be on the look out for important dates and reminders as the next 2 weeks are super busy and filled with fun activities.

What's Happening in the Classroom?

In Reading, we started our a new story in our Junior Great Book. We read The No-Guitar Blues and Thank You Ma'am. Both stories addressed citizenship qualities that learners were encouraged to implement. This week we started stations that we will continue next week.

In Math, we continued our journey on fractions. We took out our fraction tiles and found ways to create equivalent fractions. We also looked at how fractions and decimals relate and can show the same value. 

In Writing, we are continuing to work on the Writing Process, focusing on brainstorming and choosing three quality reasons. We will pick back up in January with Mentor Sentences and next week will be the last week for spelling tests until January.

In Science, learners we are coming to a close with our study of electricity.  We began our ADI investigation that will include examining fossils from Germany and investigating what the land was like millions or years ago.

This week the classes also began the 12 Days of Kindness Challenge. Be looking on our Twitter feeds for acts of kindness that are happening in the classroom. 

What's Happening at TCE?

The Giving Tree
When: November 30th-December 15th
Where: Place new, unwrapped toys under the Christmas Tree by the front office
What: Town Center 1st Graders are collecting new, unwrapped toys for children in need.  We will be donating the toys to the Lions Club.  When you place your toy under the tree, please sign your name on an ornament and hang it on the tree!

Biodiversity Field Trip
We had a blast at the Coppell Nature Park!  We hiked, dissected Owl pellets, learned about the food web, and identified the different forms of water.

 TCE Family Cookbook 
There have only been a few recipes submitted so far.  Please make sure to send in as many yummy recipes that you have.  It can be from family, friends, and friends of friends!  

Creative Writing Competition
The deadline for the writing competition is December 7th! This writing competition is open to ALL 4th-12th grade learners. This is a great opportunity for your learner to try!