Friday, September 21, 2018

Week of September 17th-21st

Hello 4th Grade Town Center Families! Please see below for class updates and reminders: 

Fall Parent Conferences will be on Friday, October 5th. Please use the link in the email you received to sign up for a conference time. 

Thank you to the families that were able to make it to our Parent Writer's Workshop! Please click here to view the presentation if you missed it and would like to be updated. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to your child's Language Arts teacher.

*Write a Check began on Thursday, August 30th.

*Our 1st Spirit Rally is October 12th. 

*Picture Retakes are October 16th. 

In Math, we finished our unit on decimal place value. We will begin our unit on addition and subtraction involving whole numbers and decimals. 

In Science, we will continue to explore our new topics of force, motion, and energy through hands-on learning experiences. 

In Reading and Language Arts, learners will apply their knowledge of metacognition and their strengths in literacy by completing tasks along with their self-selected book. Learners will develop drafts of a self-selected story to continue toward publishing. We will also learn and apply descriptive adjectives and spelling words related to long u. 

In Social Studies, we will begin exploring early Texas history and learning about the early Texans.