Thursday, April 18, 2019

Week of April 15th-18th

Hello 4th Grade Town Center Families! Please see below for class updates and reminders: 

Field Trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
Please see below for pictures from our field trip. Thank you so much to all our chaperones who volunteered. 

STAAR Math and Reading Assessments
The STAAR Math Assessment will be on Monday, May 13th and our STAAR Reading Assessment will be Tuesday, May 14th.
Your learner can practice some reading vocabulary terms here and also practice strategies for the test here

2019-2020 School Year
We have sent home yellow papers regarding enrollment for next year. It is crucial that you fill this form out as soon as possible, so the office can get started with enrollment. Even if your learner is not returning to TCE, you still need to fill out the form for enrollment purposes. Thank you!

End of the Year Conferences
It is hard to believe that we are already in our last nine weeks of the school year. Time has flown by so quickly with these amazing learners!

The district is unable to set aside a day for spring parent/teacher conferences, but we are happy to make time to answer any questions or concerns you may have. You recently received your learner's third nine weeks report card, which provided you with an update on how your learner is doing in class. We will also be sending home your learner's end of year assessment summary sheet, along with a summer packet of resources and ways to support your learner over the break. The assessment summary sheet will show you their current levels in both Language Arts and Math, as well as the benchmark. This will show you your student's growth and progress throughout the school year! 

If you would like to discuss any questions or concerns regarding your learner and would like a conference (via email, phone or face-to-face) please email your child's homeroom teacher. What a JOY it has been to have these learners this year! *We are unable to discuss 5th grade class placements for next school year. Please keep questions related to your learner's academic and emotional growth from the 2018-2019 school year.*

PTO Needs Board Members

*April 18th: Skate Night @ Interskate in Lewisville from 6:00-8:00 PM
*April 19th & 22nd: No school for learners 

In Math, we will be wrapping up our geometry unit by exploring types of quadrilaterals and how to classify them.

In Science, we will continue our life science unit by exploring food chains and food webs. 

In Reading and Language Arts, we will be practicing our reading comprehension skills using fiction and nonfiction texts. Moreover, learners will write creatively and informatively about a country they would want to build. 

In Social Studies, we will discuss how Texas created a government for the Republic.