Friday, March 29, 2019

Week of March 25-29

Please read the blog for important reminders about the upcoming STAAR assessment. 
Field Trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
Permission slips and the $15 cost is due April 2nd. Please contact your homeroom teacher for any questions or concerns. 

STAAR Writing Assessment
The 4th Grade Writing STAAR Assessment will take place on Tuesday, April 9th. Please make sure your learner has a great night of sleep the night before, as well as a nutritional breakfast. It's essential that your learner arrives to school on time due to testing beginning at the start of the day. We will provide learners with snacks and a water bottle, so they don't need to bring any additional snacks. They may need to bring a sweatshirt or sweater in case the testing environment is cold. The assessment will consist of editing and revising multiple choice questions and an expository essay. The learners have been putting in loads of hard work and are ready! Additional resources and practice materials can be found on the TEA website here:

No Visitors During STAAR Assessment Days
We will be administering the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) to learners on Tuesday, April 9th and Wednesday, April 10th.  Fifth grade will take Math on Tuesday and Reading on Wednesday. Fourth grade will take writing on Tuesday. During these days, all other grade levels will continue with a regular school day. It is important that we have an environment that is free of interruptions to ensure that our students have the opportunity to do their best on these important days.  In order to ensure a secure and quiet testing environment, no visitors will be allowed on campus for all grade levels. Due to this, we will not allow lunch visitors these days. You may contact the office on these day if you are in need of assistance and they will be happy to help you. Thank you for your cooperation in helping our campus and our students to be successful on our testing days!

Auction Items
TCE will be holding their annual fund raiser on April 12th.  The PTO is asking each grade level to put together a "basket" to be auctioned off during the event.  Please follow the link below to sign up for an item to be donated for the 4th grade "Beach" basket and deliver the items to Mrs. Wagner's classroom by Friday, April 5th.
 Thank you for your support of TCE!
Your Fourth Grade Room Moms,
Brooke, Cindy, Brandie and Shelly


*April 2nd: PTO Meeting @ 6:00 PM
*April 3rd: CISD Night at the Ballpark
*April 4th: 4th Grade Recorder Concert at 8:00 AM & 6:00 PM
*April 9th: 4th Grade Writing STAAR Assessment 
*April 12: TCE Color Run 5:30-7:00 
*April 16th: Field Trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science & History
*April 18th: Skate Night @ Interskate in Lewisville from 6:00-8:00 PM
*April 19th & 22nd: No school for learners 


In Math, next week we will be continuing our Geometry unit by exploring types of lines and types of angles.

In Science, next week we will be continuing our Life Science unit by exploring adaptations of organisms, structure and function, and inherited and learned behaviors.

In Language Arts, we will be focusing on editing and revising during Writing Boot Camp. We will also be focusing on how to create an engaging introduction and a thoughtful conclusion.

In Social Studies, we will continue to discuss how Texas won their independence and became the Republic of Texas.