Friday, March 22, 2019

Week of March 18-22

We had a great week back from Spring Break! 
Please see below for class updates and reminders: 

Field Trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
Your learner came home this week with a permission slip for our field trip which will be on Tuesday, April 16. Please sign and return the form as soon as possible to your homeroom teacher. The cost for students is $15, and the cost for chaperones is $16. We will accept cash or a check. Please make payment available to: TCE

TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
Our 2nd Annual Cultural Night is almost here. We are looking forward to a fabulous night with performances, food samplings, and fun activities. Please join us on March 28th at 5:30 in the gym and cafeteria. See below for a sneak peek at what the night holds for us all!

Performances include Bollywood dances, a Bollywood workshop, folk songs and dances, Folklorico dance followed by a workshop, Tonal Texan performance, and Lion Dance performance. Some of the food samplings include Mango Lassi, Dumplings, Tamales, Galaktombureko and Alfajores. Activities will include calligraphy, henna, origami, coloring pages and books to explore and read. Please join us for a fun filled family event!

*If you would like to bring a food for TCE Families to sample, please sign up below:

Please see the below note from Ms. Martin, our principal: 

TCE Families,
The data analysis from the looping survey is complete, and a decision has been made in regards to the looping process at Town Center Elementary. Please click on the link below to view the Looping Report which includes a summary of the data received, conclusions, and next steps. 
A special thank you to our TCE families, staff, and learners that provided feedback. I appreciate the honest and thoughtful insight that was given. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any additional questions or concerns, and I would be happy to meet with you. 

Thank you,
Jennifer Martin

*March 22nd: Report cards go home
*March 25th: TCE Sonic Night 5:00-8:00
*March 28th: Cultural Night 5:30-7:00
*April 4th: 4th Grade Recorder Concert at 6pm

⚾ Tickets for CISD Night at the Ballpark on Wednesday, April 3, are now on sale. To sit in the Town Center section go to

In Math, we will begin our Geometry unit next week. We look forward to exploring types of polygons, angles, and lines.

In Science, we will continue our Life Science unit by exploring the structure/function of animals. 

In Language Arts, we will be focusing on editing and revising. We will also be focusing on how to address the prompt and writing with a focus in mind. 

In Social Studies, we will continue to discuss how Texas won their independence and became the Republic of Texas.