Friday, March 8, 2019

Week of March 4th-8th

Thank you for those who attended Open House. We know our learners had lots of fun showing off some pretty amazing skills and things they have worked on this year!
Please see below for class updates and reminders: 

Field Trip to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History
After Spring Break, we will start collecting money for fourth grade's field trip. The cost for students is $15, and the cost for chaperones is $16. We will accept cash or a check. Please make payment available to: TCE
We will also be sending home permission slips after Spring Break so please sign and return the form as soon as possible.  

TCE's 2nd Annual Culture Night
We are excited to have our 2nd annual Culture Night at TCE.  Last year was such a great success with all the dishes you shared with our TCE community.  If you would like to share an appetizer, main dish or dessert on March 28th please sign up below. TCE will provide sample cups to share the dish you bring. 

*March 11th-15th: No School - Spring Break 
*March 22nd: Report cards go home
*March 25th: TCE Sonic Night 5:00-8:00
*March 28th: Cultural Celebration 5:30-7:00

In Math, when we come back from break we will be wrapping up our measurement unit with area and perimeter. We will start our last unit, Geometry, and then begin reviewing for our end of the year STAAR assessment. Please look for practice reading and math pages coming home in a packet today. 

In Science, we will continue our Life Science unit by exploring plant and animal life cycles, types of traits, and structure/function of animals. 

In Language Arts, we will be focusing on commas and apostrophes in editing. We will be focusing on how to address the prompt and writing with a focus in mind. 

In Social Studies, we will discuss how Texas won their independence and became the Republic of Texas.