Friday, February 17, 2017

Week of February 13th- 17th

It has been another eventful week here down C-Hall. Please read through the blog for descriptions and announcements.

In Reading, learners explored analogies. Learners compared and contrasted words in order to infer the relationship between words. Learners put on their detective caps in order to solve the puzzle of analogies. Moreover, we started another Junior Great Book. Learners continue to work on authentic stations in order to maximize their experience and comprehension of the text.

In Social Studies, we are continuing to dive deeper on the colonization of early Texas. Learners reflected on past experiences for when they learned something new.

In Writing, learners are exposing themselves and applying various grammatical rules. Moreover, we continue to work on the going through the expository writing process. Learners are working towards re-reading, revising, and editing their writing pieces.

In Math, learners wrapped up their input and output tables. In order to facilitate authentic and meaningful learning experiences, learners took a pre-test at the beginning of this week. Using the pre-test, learners are exposed to various division strategies to allow them the needed tools to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness when dividing.

In Science, 4A/B rotation talked about fossil fuels and asked the leading question, "how big is your carbon footprint?" Learners explored the impact of their own carbon footprint in order to make meaningful connections with the content.


Huge shoutout to all our parents who made another fantastic Valentine's Day party possible. We thank you all for always going the extra mile (and for the sweet treats)!

Thank you to those who made it out to our third annual Engineering Extravaganza! We loved that our families came and engaged in hands-on learning experiences.


Please click on the links below for more information on summer enrichment opportunities for all learners.

Jump Rope for Heart

We have until Friday, February 27th to meet our goal for this year! On the 27th, you are more than welcome to come up for our day of jumping during our specials time (9:30 AM-10:20 AM). 

Please note that there is no school on President's Day!