Friday, February 24, 2017

Week of February 21-24

It has been a short yet sweet and eventful week here down C-Hall. Please read through the blog to see all the awesome learning that happened this week.

In Reading, learners finished up their Junior Great Book stations. We dived deeper into the riches of our Junior Great book through engaging stations and extension activities. Learners were given opportunities to learn and apply new vocabulary, reflect using a various points of views, and research topic relevant to the text to expand their knowledge.

In Social Studies, learners also reviewed and reflected on the motives of the early Texas explorers and how they adapted to their new environment. Moreover, we are continuing to talk about how Texas was influenced by the Spanish settlements and early colonization.

In Writing, learners continued to expand their knowledge and application of grammar rules. Learners were exposed to multiple editing and revising strategies in order to improve their writing. This week learners explained their favorite subject in school by going through the expository writing process.

In Math, we continued talking about division strategies. Learners started exploring different ways to interpret remainders. Learners used their knowledge of math to express their thoughts of how math can be applied and shown in our everyday life by going through the writing process.

In Science, learner were given authentic opportunities to dive deeper into the various forms and examples of impact. Learners explored in detail the how human impact our Earth. Moreover, learners reflected on the various types of resources found on Earth using specific examples.


Book Fair is March 6th-10th. If you would like to volunteer please sigh up at

Donut with Dudes will be held March 7th-8th. Please see the flyer below for specific details.